ERP for Chemical

For companies involved in the manufacturing and distribution of chemicals,and allied products, it can be difficult to efficiently manage day-to-day operations while also staying up-to-date on formulations, material requirements planning changing regulations, increasing competition, and industry globalization. These manufacturers rely on SAFAL Chem ERP’s compliance and regulatory management, bidirectional lot tractability, quality management, certificate of analysis (COA) generation, recall management, and shelf life tracking to protect against unforeseen compliance issues and to quickly resolve any quality issues that may occur.

Chemical processors,dyes and allied product manufacturers can also take advantage of SAFAL Chem ERP built-in order management, inventory management, procurement, RF and bar code-enabled warehouse management, transportation management, advanced forecasting and planning, CRM, and business intelligence capabilities all within a single, fully-integrated chemical ERP software system. As a chemicals manufacturer, you should follow certain practices that are unique to your business. From SAFAL’s wide experience in this industry, and adopt the best practices built into SAFAL Chem ERP. Accrue competitive advantages and remain a leader in your business.

Key Modules & Features for CHEMICAL Industry

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Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in